
来源:岁月联盟 作者:李喜香,罗燕梅 时间:2015-06-05

【摘要】  目的 探讨冠周康口服液的最佳提取工艺。方法 本试验采用4因素3水平正交设计法,以组方中的龙胆苦苷含量、出膏率为指标,筛选影响冠周康口服液水提醇沉工艺的因素。结果 冠周康口服液中龙胆草、板蓝根、黄芩采用乙醇提取,以龙胆苦苷含量为考察指标,最佳提取工艺条件为:乙醇提取浓度为65%,用量为药材总量的8倍,提取时间为1 h,提取次数为3次。其余药物采用水煎煮提取,以出膏率为考察指标,最佳提取工艺条件为:水用量为药材总量的12倍,浸泡时间为0.5 h,煎煮时间为每次1 h,提取次数为3次。结论 试验结果为确定冠周康口服液的制备工艺提供了实验依据。

【关键词】  冠周康口服液;制备工艺;正交设计;龙胆苦苷;出膏率

    Abstract:Objective To establish the best technological condition of Guanzhoukang Oral Liquid. Method Based on the evaluation marker of extraction amount and gentiopicroside content in prescription, the factors influencing the effect of water decoction and alcohol reflux procedure were selected by orthogonal design. Results The best technological condition of Guanzhoukang Oral Liquid should be as follows:radix gentianae, radix isatidis and radix scutellariae contained in prescription were extracted by alcohol in which the concentration was 65%, 8 times of total amount of material herb, extracted 3 times, 1 h for each time. The left material herbs were extracted by water decoction in which amount was 12 times of total amount of material herb, soaked for half hour and decocted 3 times, 1 h for each time. Conclusion The result provides experimental basis for the preparation technology of Guanzhoukan Oral Liquid.
  Key words:Guanzhoukan Oral Liquid;preparations procedure;orthogonal design;gentiopicroside content;extraction amount

  1  仪器与试药

    Watcrs-1525高效液相色谱仪,Watcrs-2487型紫外检测仪,Breeze色谱工作站。色谱柱:Srinmetr C18 (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm),流动相:甲醇-水(3∶7),检测波长:270 nm,流速:1 mL/min。龙胆苦苷对照品(中国药品生物制品检定所提供)。甲醇为色谱纯,水为超纯水,其余试剂均为分析纯。

  2  方法与结果

  2.1  挥发油提取

  按处方量称取防风、细辛、连翘,用8倍药材水量浸泡0.5 h后再蒸馏2 h,收集芳香水另器储存,药渣和药液备用。

  2.2  乙醇提取工艺研究

  2.2.1  正交试验设计 

  选择主要影响提取的乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、提取时间及提取次数作为考察因素,以龙胆苦苷含量为指标,应用L9(34)正交设计进行试验。因素水平见表1。表1  因素水平表(略)

  2.2.2  提取方法 

  按L9(34)正交试验设计工艺条件,称取龙胆草、板蓝根、黄芩。按正交试验各项要求,先加入乙醇浸润0.5 h,再回流规定的次数和时间,滤过,合并滤液,回收乙醇,浓缩至适量,测定其中龙胆苦苷的含量。

  2.2.3  龙胆苦苷含量测定方法[2] 

  精密称取龙胆苦苷对照品适量,加甲醇制成每1 mL含0.5 mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。另取流浸膏适量,置30 mL量瓶中,加入甲醇10 mL,超声提取1 h,放冷至室温,补足甲醇,摇匀,滤过,精密量取续滤液2 mL,置10 mL量瓶中,加甲醇至刻度,摇匀,作为供试品溶液。
