
来源:岁月联盟 作者: 时间:2015-10-12

                        作者:李秀玲 孙莉 项颗 马琳

【摘要】目的 观察盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊联合镇脑宁胶囊治疗偏头痛的临床疗效及不良反应。方法 将偏头痛80例随机分成治疗和对照组各40例,对照组采用盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊治疗,每次10mg,每日1次,睡前口服;治疗组在对照组基础上,加用镇脑宁胶囊,每次5粒(每粒0.3g),每天3次,口服,1月为1疗程,比较两组临床疗效。结果 对照组总有效率为82.5%,治疗组总有效率为95.0%,两组总有效率比较,差异均无统计学意义,两组均未发生不良反应。结论 通过本组研究表明,在临床治疗偏头痛的时,盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊联合镇脑宁胶囊治疗效果要明显的优于单用盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊的疗效,且较安全,值得在临床中推广应用。 
【关键词】 盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊  镇脑宁胶囊  偏头痛
【Abstract】Objective:To observe the effect of Flunarizine Hydrochloride Capsules combined with the town of brain capsule in treatment of migraine clinical efficacy and adverse reaction.Methods: 80 cases of migraine were randomly divided into treatment and control group with 40 cases in each group, the control group used flunarizine hydrochloride capsule in treating, 10mg each time, 1 times a day, at bedtime oral; treatment group on the basis of the control group, with the town of brain capsules, 5 capsules each time (each grain of 0.3g), 3 times a day, oral in January, 1 treatment courses, comparison of two clinical curative effect. Results: in the control group, the total effective rate was 82.5%, total effective rate in the treatment group was 95%, two groups of the total efficiency comparison, there were no significant differences, two groups were no adverse reaction.Conclusion: the group of research shows that, in the clinical treatment of migraine, Flunarizine Hydrochloride Capsules combined with the town of brain capsule treatment effect significantly better than the single use of Flunarizine Hydrochloride Capsules curative effect, and more safety, worthy of clinical application.
        偏头痛是一种临床常见病,是指颅内的外血管舒张缩功能障碍疾病,以反复发作的血管性头痛为特点,主要表现为一侧或两侧发作性头痛,痛势剧烈,或前额,或后枕,或巅顶,严重者可累及整个头部,疼痛性质为剧烈跳痛、胀痛、钝痛或钻痛,多伴有恶心、呕吐,频繁发作导致记忆力下降。顽固性偏头痛又常常引发失眠、高血压、心脑血管疾病、抑郁症等,给患者带来极大痛苦,严重影响患者的工作和生活。2010年6月 一2011年6月,笔者运用盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊联合镇脑宁胶囊治疗偏头痛80例,疗效满意,报道如下。 
        1 临床资料 
        1.1一般资料  80例患者随机分为为治疗组和对照组各40例。观察组中男12例,女28例;年龄18—65岁,平均31.2岁;对照组中男15例,女25例,年龄18—64岁,平均33.5岁)。两组年龄、性别、病程、病情等方面比较无统计学意义 (P>0.05),具有可比性。
        1.2本组  80例病人均参照《神经病学》无先兆的(普通型) 偏头痛和有先兆的(典型) 偏头痛诊断标准确定诊断,并经头颅CT或核磁检查排除脑部肿瘤、脑梗死、脑出血、硬膜下血肿等器质性病变,同时亦排除脑外伤、五官科疾病、颈椎病、感染性疾病等[1]。
        2 治疗方法
