
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:zhu 时间:2008-09-03
Excel中调用VBA选择目标文件夹内容简介:进行文件操作时,经常要用 VBA 选择目标文件夹,现提供实现代码: 1.FileDialog 属性 Sub Sample1() With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) If .Show = True Then MsgBox .SelectedItems(1) End If 进行文件操作时,经常要用 VBA 选择目标文件夹,现提供实现代码:
  1.FileDialog 属性

Sub Sample1()
   With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
     If .Show = True Then
       MsgBox .SelectedItems(1)
     End If
   End With
End Sub

  2.shell 方法

Sub Sample2()
   Dim Shell, myPath
   Set Shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
   Set myPath = Shell.BrowseForFolder(&O0, "请选择文件夹", &H1 + &H10, "G:")
   If Not myPath Is Nothing Then MsgBox myPath.Items.Item.Path
   Set Shell = Nothing
   Set myPath = Nothing
End Sub
