
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2012-03-23

  iframe上传文件原理是这样的:首先input file控件本身是被表单包含的,表单属性必须设置为enctype="multipart/form-data",才能上传任意文件。但是仅仅有这个还不行, 因为提交表单后,它会自动刷新页面,为了不让它离开本页,我们可以在这个提交的页面上动态生成一个隐藏的iframe,但是别忘了在表单上再添加一个属性target,并且指定为iframe的name,这样表单提交后,服务器才会将返回的结果会写在iframe里。最后在从这个iframe里获取数据就可以了。
 1 getFile: function() {
 2   var fileInfo = {};
 3   var isIE = !!window.ActiveXObject;
 4   // var isIE6 = isIE&&!window.XMLHttpRequest;
 5   // var isIE8 = isIE&&!!document.documentMode;
 6   // var isIE7 = isIE&&!isIE6&&!isIE8;
 7   var path = '';
 8   if(isIE) {
 9     path = document.getElementById(this.config.id).value;
10     fileInfo.fileName = path.slice(path.lastIndexOf('//')+1);
11   } else fileInfo.fileName = document.getElementById(this.config.id).files[0].name;
12   return fileInfo;
13 }

  我这里先展示一个基本的上传代码,供各位参考。 我这个是不带界面的,纯逻辑部分。页面须有个<input type='file' id='uploader' name='file'/>标签,然后可以这样调用:
var uploader = new FileUploader({
   action: 'url', // 上传地址
   onChange: function() {}, // 上传前
   loading: function() {}, // 上传过程中
   onComplete: function() {} //上传完成后

 1 function FileUploader(config) {
 2     this.config = config;
 3     this.input = $('#'+this.config.id);
 4     this.action = this.config.action || '';
 5     this.method = this.config.method || 'post';
 6     this.type = this.config.type || 'json';
 7     this.init();
 8 }
 9 FileUploader.prototype = {
10     init: function() {
11         var that = this;
12         this.addListener('change', function() {
13             if(that.config.onChange) {
14                 var res = false;
15                 res = that.config.onChange.call(this, that.getFile());
16                 if(!res) return false;
17             }
18             that.load();
19         });
20     },
21     load: function() {
22         var that = this;
23         this.wrap();
24         this.send();
25         if(that.config.loading) that.config.loading.call(that);
26         $('iframe').bind('load', function() {
27             var data = that.getResponse(document.getElementById("hidden_frame")).find('body').html();
28             data = data.replace(/<pre.*>(.*)<//pre>/, "$1");
29             if(that.config.onComplete) {
30                 if(that.type == 'json') data = eval('('+data+')');
31                 that.config.onComplete.call(this, data, that.input);
32             }
33             // this.input.unwrap();
34             $(this).remove();
35         });
36     },
37     getResponse: function(iframe) {
38         var doc = $(iframe).contents();
39         return doc;
40     },
41     remove: function() {
42         this.input.remove();
43     },
44     getFile: function() {
45         var fileInfo = {};
46         var isIE = !!window.ActiveXObject;
47         var isIE6 = isIE&&!window.XMLHttpRequest;
48         var isIE8 = isIE&&!!document.documentMode;
49         var isIE7 = isIE&&!isIE6&&!isIE8;
50         var path = '';
51         if(isIE) {
52             path = document.getElementById(this.config.id).value;
53             fileInfo.fileName = path.slice(path.lastIndexOf('//')+1);
54         } else fileInfo.fileName = document.getElementById(this.config.id).files[0].name;
55         return fileInfo;
56     },
57     send: function(cb) {
58         var that = this;
59         this.input.parent('form').submit();
60     },
61     wrap: function() {
62         this.input.wrap(
63                 '<form enctype="multipart/form-data"'+
64                     'action="'+this.action+'" method="'+this.method+'" target="hidden_frame">'+
65                 '</form>'
66         );
67         this.input.parent('form').after(
68                 '<iframe name="hidden_frame" id="hidden_frame" src="javascript:false;" style="display:none"></iframe>'
69         );
70     },
71     addListener: function(type, cb) {
72         if(type == 'change') this.input.bind('change', cb);
73     }
74 };

 摘自  bilipan