
来源:岁月联盟 编辑:exp 时间:2011-12-16




941 int usb_stor_Bulk_transport(struct scsi_cmnd*srb, struct us_data *us)


942 {


943      struct bulk_cb_wrap *bcb = (structbulk_cb_wrap *) us->iobuf;


944      struct bulk_cs_wrap *bcs = (structbulk_cs_wrap *) us->iobuf;


945      unsigned int transfer_length =srb->request_bufflen;


946      unsigned int residue;


947     int result;


948      int fake_sense = 0;


949      unsigned int cswlen;


950      unsigned int cbwlen = US_BULK_CB_WRAP_LEN;




952      /* Take care of BULK32 devices; set extra Byteto 0 */


953      if ( unlikely(us->flags &US_FL_BULK32)) {


954           cbwlen = 32;


955           us->iobuf[31] = 0;


956      }




958      /* set up the command wrapper */


959      bcb->Signature =cpu_to_le32(US_BULK_CB_SIGN);


960      bcb->DataTransferLength =cpu_to_le32(transfer_length);


961      bcb->Flags = srb->sc_data_direction ==DMA_FROM_DEVICE ? 1 <<7 : 0;


962      bcb->Tag= ++us->tag;


963      bcb->Lun= srb->device->lun;


964      if (us->flags & US_FL_SCM_MULT_TARG)


965           bcb->Lun |= srb->device->id <<4;


966      bcb->Length = srb->cmd_len;




968      /* copy the command payload */


969      memset(bcb->CDB, 0, sizeof(bcb->CDB));


970      memcpy(bcb->CDB, srb->cmnd,bcb->Length);




972      /* send it to out endpoint */


973      US_DEBUGP("Bulk Command S 0x%x T 0x%x L%d F %d Trg %d LUN %d CL %d/n",


974                        le32_to_cpu(bcb->Signature), bcb->Tag,


975                         le32_to_cpu(bcb->DataTransferLength),bcb->Flags,


976                         (bcb->Lun >>4), (bcb->Lun & 0x0F),


977                         bcb->Length);


978      result = usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf(us,us->send_bulk_pipe,


979                                 bcb, cbwlen,NULL);


980      US_DEBUGP("Bulk command transferresult=%d/n", result);


981      if (result != USB_STOR_XFER_GOOD)


982           return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;




984      /* DATA STAGE */


985      /* send/receive data payload, if there is any*/




987      /* Some USB-IDE converter chips need a 100usdelay between the


988       *command phase and the data phase.  Somedevices need a little


989       * morethan that, probably because of clock rate inaccuracies. */


990      if (unlikely(us->flags &US_FL_GO_SLOW))


991           udelay(125);




993      if (transfer_length) {


994      unsigned int pipe = srb->sc_data_direction== DMA_FROM_DEVICE ?


995                                us->recv_bulk_pipe : us->send_bulk_pipe;


996      result = usb_stor_bulk_transfer_sg(us, pipe,


997                                srb->request_buffer, transfer_length,


998                                 srb->use_sg, &srb->resid);


999           US_DEBUGP("Bulk data transfer result0x%x/n", result);


1000          if (result == USB_STOR_XFER_ERROR)


1001              return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;




1003          /* If the device tried to send back more datathan the


1004           *amount requested, the spec requires us to transfer


1005            * theCSW anyway.  Since there's no pointretrying the


1006           * thecommand, we'll return fake sense data indicating


1007           * IllegalRequest, Invalid Field in CDB.


1008           */


1009         if (result == USB_STOR_XFER_LONG)


1010              fake_sense = 1;


1011    }




1013    /* See flow chart on pg 15 of the Bulk OnlyTransport spec for


1014      * anexplanation of how this code works.


1015      */




1017     /* get CSW for device status */


1018    US_DEBUGP("Attempting to getCSW.../n");


1019     result = usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf(us,us->recv_bulk_pipe,


1020                                 bcs,US_BULK_CS_WRAP_LEN, &cswlen);




1022    /* Some broken devices add unnecessaryzero-length packets to the


1023      * endof their data transfers.  Such packetsshow up as 0-length


1024      *CSWs.  If we encounter such a thing, tryto read the CSW again.


1025     */


1026     if (result == USB_STOR_XFER_SHORT &&cswlen == 0) {


1027          US_DEBUGP("Received 0-length CSW;retrying.../n");


1028         result = usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf(us,us->recv_bulk_pipe,


1029                                 bcs,US_BULK_CS_WRAP_LEN, &cswlen);


1030     }




1032     /* did the attempt to read the CSW fail? */


1033     if (result == USB_STOR_XFER_STALLED) {




1035          /* get the status again */


1036          US_DEBUGP("Attempting to get CSW (2ndtry).../n");


1037         result = usb_stor_bulk_transfer_buf(us,us->recv_bulk_pipe,


1038                                 bcs,US_BULK_CS_WRAP_LEN, NULL);


1039     }




1041     /* if we still have a failure at this point,we're in trouble */


1042     US_DEBUGP("Bulk status result =%d/n", result);


1043     if(result != USB_STOR_XFER_GOOD)


1044          return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;




1046     /* check bulk status */


1047    residue = le32_to_cpu(bcs->Residue);


1048     US_DEBUGP("Bulk Status S 0x%x T 0x%x R%u Stat 0x%x/n",


1049                         le32_to_cpu(bcs->Signature), bcs->Tag,


1050                         residue,bcs->Status);


1051     if (bcs->Tag != us->tag ||bcs->Status > US_BULK_STAT_PHASE) {


1052          US_DEBUGP("Bulk logical error/n");


1053          return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;


1054     }




1056     /* Some broken devices report odd signatures,so we do not check them


1057      * forvalidity against the spec. We store the first one we see,


1058      * andcheck subsequent transfers for validity against this signature.


1059      */


1060     if (!us->bcs_signature) {


1061          us->bcs_signature = bcs->Signature;


1062          if (us->bcs_signature !=cpu_to_le32(US_BULK_CS_SIGN))


1063              US_DEBUGP("Learnt BCSsignature 0x%08X/n",


1064                                         le32_to_cpu(us->bcs_signature));


1065     } else if (bcs->Signature !=us->bcs_signature) {


1066          US_DEBUGP("Signature mismatch: got %08X,expecting %08X/n",


1067                          le32_to_cpu(bcs->Signature),


1068                           le32_to_cpu(us->bcs_signature));


1069          return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;


1070     }




1072     /* try to compute the actual residue, basedon how much data


1073      * wasreally transferred and what the device tells us */


1074     if (residue) {


1075          if(!(us->flags & US_FL_IGNORE_RESIDUE)) {


1076          residue = min(residue,transfer_length);


1077              srb->resid =max(srb->resid, (int) residue);


1078          }


1079     }




1081     /* based on the status code, we report goodor bad */


1082    switch (bcs->Status) {


1083    case US_BULK_STAT_OK:


1084         /* device babbled -- return fake sense data */


1085          if (fake_sense) {


1086              memcpy(srb->sense_buffer,


1087                               usb_stor_sense_invalidCDB,


1088                               sizeof(usb_stor_sense_invalidCDB));


1089          returnUSB_STOR_TRANSPORT_NO_SENSE;


1090          }




1092         /* command good -- note that data could beshort */


1093          return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_GOOD;




1095    case US_BULK_STAT_FAIL:


1096          /* command failed */


1097         return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_FAILED;




1099    case US_BULK_STAT_PHASE:


1100          /* phase error -- note that a transport resetwill be


1101          *invoked by the invoke_transport() function


1102          */


1103         return USB_STOR_TRANSPORT_ERROR;


1104    }




1106    /* we should never get here, but if we do,we're in trouble */




1108 }

